5 files found in Library "Help Utilities"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
COLRHLP.ZIP Yes 52746 12/14/1993
ColorHlp lets you quickly change the WINHELP
jumpcolor. (Bhavdeep Singh) (Reg.Fee: $0)
HELPCOL.ZIP Yes 21408 1/20/1994
HelpColr 2.0 lets you change the colors used
by the Windows Help engine. Requires
VBRUN300. (Chad Oftedal) (Reg.Fee: $0)
HPLAUNCH.ZIP Yes 4381 1/20/1994
Help Launcher 1.0 can launch your help files
quickly and without loading the program with
the help file. Of course, you can also load a
help file just by running Windows'
WINHELP.EXE without loading the program.
(Richard Ratayczak) (Reg.Fee: $5)
JUMPCLR.ZIP Yes 50578 2/15/1994
Jump Color 2.0a changes the color of words
used to indicate hypertext jumps in Windows
Help files and in Multimedia Viewer. Requires
VBRUN300.DLL. (Screaming Tiki Software)
(Reg.Fee: $5)